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COVID-19 Safety Measures

Good morning all,

This post is with regard to measures for safeguarding No Drama members. The committee have undertaken the following steps and commitments to safeguard our members. 

1. Before a workshop, all door handles, posts, bathroom surfaces and surfaces in the meeting room and workshop room will be cleaned down with sterilizing solution.

2. This process is repeated after the workshop closes.

3. All members are required to wash their hands thoroughly upon entry to the school. Antibacterial wash is available in both bathrooms. This is stored in our press during the week and the school members or other groups using the school have no access to our cleaning products.

4. Money handling to be conducted with disposable gloves.

5. Greetings to be verbal rather than handshakes and hugs, a wave or air kiss is encouraged. Non-tactile warm-up exercises to be deployed by facilitators. Workshop scene work to be non-tactile.

6. Please ensure, as a member, if you cough or sneeze that you do so into a tissue that is disposed of properly. please provide your own tissues, we will en devour to have tissue available also.

7. If you, a member, have a low immune system, an underlying health complaint, are in close contact with an elderly person or person of underlying health concerns or young children please consider them and yourselves before you make the decision to attend a workshop.

No Drama is a voluntary society, we would ask that everyone practices good informed choices whilst attending the workshops. We will continue to operate our weekly workshops but as outlined in the points above, if a time comes where we are required and requested to suspend the weekly workshop we shall do so in accordance to health authority specifications.

As a group, we are committed to our duty of care of all our members and will enforce the above points strictly. If you feel unwell we would ask that you exercise the appropriate caution and not attend the workshops.

Kind Regards and the best of health to you all,

Louise and the No Drama Committee. 

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