No Drama Theatre presents “Gaslight” by Patrick Hamilton – Auditions

First round auditions for "Gaslight" by Patrick Hamilton will take place on: Sunday 22nd September from 4pm Tuesday 24th September from 7pm Please email contact@nodramatheatre with your preferred date for audition and the character/s you would like to audition for. You will then be provided the audition texts for your…

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Read more about the article All-Stars Workshop – 25 June 2019
M45 Pleiades Nebulosity 6" F3.3 Takahashi Astrograph, 30 minute exp Sapello, NM Copyright 1996 John Chumack

All-Stars Workshop – 25 June 2019

And so here it is, the final workshop of the No Drama season (not the last one ever though! We're not cruel!) takes place today! And is is tradition, we shall be holding the All Star workshop where various facilitators will take you on a magical theatrical journey. And afterwards…

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No Drama Theatre presents ‘Kate Crackernuts’

Kate’s sister Anne, a ravishing beauty, wakes up one morning to discover a sheep’s head on her shoulders instead of her own. Thus begins the journey of the ever-practical Kate in her quest to return Anne to her former glory, a journey sidetracked by Kate’s obsession with saving a slim…

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Workshop – 11 June 2019

For this week's workshop we are beyond excited to welcome back the undeniably talented Tamryn Reinecke as workshop facilitator! Tamryn’s workshop will be focus on using improv and play to help find authenticity in character development. The class will focus on the fundamentals of improv as a tool for listening,…

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Workshop – 4 June 2019

The theme of the month is 'Techniques in Theatre'. Throughout our June workshops we shall be recapping and incorporating all that we have covered over the past year and exploring new aspects of stage craft. Tuesday the 4th kicks us off with understanding the physicality of a character and using…

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Workshop – 28 May 2019

To close out our 'stepping outside your comfort zone' theme, we are delighted to announce Siobhan Hickey as this week's facilitator. "While researching common themes that cause actors difficulties, three things kept cropping up; love, sex and comedy." Workshop participants will be given the opportunity to explore these themes in…

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Monologue Night – Storybook Edition, 27 May 2019

May is here, and that may mean only one thing! No Drama's next monologue night is near. The theme of the evening is the Storybook, in honor and aid of No Drama's upcoming production of Kate Crackernuts. So, gather round, friends, and prepare to let yourselves be transported into worlds…

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