Important Docs!

Taking advantage of the quick break between Auditions and Casting to bring you an important milestone for no Drama. We've produced two documents which we're hoping to ratify at our AGM (likely July) we present them here for comment Mission Statement Constitution The second doc is a bit elaborate, but…

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Happy New Year

No Drama workshops are back from tomorrow. The workshop is entitled "Scene Creation 101". For anyone new to acting or looking to join an awesomely amazingly brilliant Drama Group this is the ideal opportunity. And to all our current members, you know how much fun the first workshop of the…

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Happy Christmas from walrus santa ( and No Drama)

.. Or indeed, happy winter festival of your choice from all at No Drama HQ! We're finished up for the festive period, after a very successful Shindig and Theatre Lovett workshop (and of course our wonderful Chalk Garden!). On January 6th We will return with the first of our new…

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No Drama will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 8th of July in Synge Street CBS at 7pm. This a chance for our members to find out what happens behind the scenes and also air any issues or ask the Committee any questions. Because of the AGM (and our…

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Just a reminder

Workshops returned last week, great to have everyone back after the break. We announced a few things which we're sharing here now. - We're looking for submissions for Director, Production Manager and Assistant Director for our November Production - We're introducing a few changes to the way workshops are run…

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Gone Fishin’

After the excitement of the five year anniversary bash, we're on our holidays for the summer. I leave you with an example of the creativity the group inspires! We're returning from our summer break for the first workshop of the second half of the year on the 13th of August…

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