Do you like scripts? Do you like reading? Do you want to have a say in what productions No Drama Theatre put in?
Then we are looking for you!
We’re very excited to introduce to you No Drama Bookworms, led by Declan Ryan.
The Bookworms will be meeting weekly, working their way through play scripts delivered by, well, you! These scripts can be old. They can be new. They can be comedy, horror, mystery, drama… you get it. The only criteria we have is that the group has not already performed it!
We will be looking for approximately 10 members, who will be reading and shortlisting potential future productions for No Drama Theatre. We recommend any members interested in directing or assistant directing a main production, to join the group.
So what do you have to do to join the No Drama Bookworms?
• Submit a piece you want the Bookworms to read.
• Write a short synopsis about the play you submitted, why it should be considered and what you particularly like about the script.
• Give us a brief outline of your experience in Theatre and with No Drama Theatre.
Email us at before Monday the 1st of March.
We look forward to seeing your applications! ♥️