November Theatre outing Time Whoop Whoop!! This month we will be going to see ' Woman Undone' by The Broken talkers in The Project Arts Centre next Wednesday 21st Nov @ 7.30pm. If you have seen the Brokentalkers work before you will understand our excitement for this theatre outing, as…


Fundraiser: Dungeons and Dragons Live.

“Deep in the Underdark, that vast subterranean maze beneath the world, lies the shadowed city known as Skullport. A den to an array of thieves and creatures shunned by the world above and a nesting place of treachery and subterfuge. A gathering of powerful individuals is happening within the city…

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No Drama Monologue Night – The powerful edition

We're delighted to present our second monologue night of 2018! This monologue night the theme will be "Power". With a monologue of your choice, you're gonna take the stage, in Flannery's! If you want to participate (which we highly encourage) please contact the always lovely Lesley-Ann, and she will put…

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No Drama Monologue Night – The Spooky Edition

We're delighted to present our next monologue night, Monday, 6 November,  the second night under the wings of the fantastic Lesley-Ann Reilly. This monologue night the theme will be "Spooky". So whatever paranormal devilishness turns you on, you've got a few weeks to muster and channel it all into a…

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